Peach + Apple Varieties
Descriptions and ripening.
Please note: ripening dates are subject to the weather. Please do not rely on these dates as anything other than an estimate. Please call the store or check our Facebook for the most up-to-date and day-by-day information.
There may be gaps between pickings of a certain variety, we can not guarantee varieties to be in every day.

** = indicates an orchard favorite
Early July
Favorite of the early clingstones. Classic peach taste with lots of zest.
Early July
Sweet early season clingstone with a nice deep colored flesh.
Glen Glo
Early/Mid July
Early clingstone of our popular flamin' fury peach. Great zesty taste.
Early Flamin' Fury
Mid/Late July
Semi-Freestone. First freestone of the season. Beautiful red color when canned.
**Red Haven**
Mid/Late July
Semi-freestone. Large size and classic zesty peach flavor.
Mid Flamin' Fury
Early/Mid August
Freestone. Very large and delicious.
Mid/Late August
Freestone. Classic old time variety with a nice flavor.
Mid/Late August
Freestone. Our most popular peach variety. Classic sweet peach taste with great canning qualities.
Mid/Late August
Freestone. Very sweet and a new favorite for canning and desserts.
Late August
Freestone. Massive and sweet yellow peach, nice mild flavor. Large size makes for great canning + baking slices.
Late August
Freestone. Most popular of the PF varieties. Large size and slightly more acidic.
Late Flamin' Fury
Late August
Freestone. Very unique, does not soften like other peach varieties. Sweet flavor. Firm slices make for great baking and drying qualities.
Late August
Freestone. Last of the -haven family for the season. Great canning properties and sweet taste.
Early Semptember
Freestone. Large and delicately sweet yellow peach.
Early September
Freestone. Very attractive and sweet fruit. Beautiful color when canned.
White Peaches
- Spring Snow (early July) : very sweet early clingstone variety
- Sugar May (early-mid July) : semi-freestone with a delicate sweetness
- White Lady (early-mid August) : extremely sweet freestone
- Sugar Giant (mid August) : large and sweet freestone
- Snow Giant (late August) : final white peach variety, large and sweet freestone
white peaches are extra sweet, with low acidity and a higher sugar content than yellow peaches.
Plums + Plumcots
- Spring Satin (plumcot) early July. very sweet and juicy with yellow meat
- Methley (plum) early July. small and sweet fruit with pleasantly tart flesh
- Santa Rosa (plum) mid-August. Large and sweet yellow fruit with purple skin
- Vanier (plum) mid-August. Pleasantly tart yellow fruit.
Available in pints + quarts
Plumcots = Plum and Apricot cross
** = indicates available for Pick Your Own
Dandee Red
Mid August
mildly sweet summer apple with a creamy flesh. Great for sauce.
Ginger Gold
Early-Mid August
Popular sweet and crisp green summer apple. Similar to the Golden Delicious. Good for snacking, drying, sauce, and baking.
Premier Honey Crisp
Early-Mid August
Early version of our standard Honey Crisp and very similar. Very crisp and slightly sweet. Good for snacking, baking and drying.
Fulford Gala
Mid-Late August
Early version of our standard Gala varieties. Very sweet with a firm and creamy texture. Good for snacking, drying, sauce and baking.
Mid-Late August
Firm and crisp sweet eating apple. Good for baking, snacking, sauce, and drying.
Honey Crisp
Late August-Early September
Our most popular variety. Thin skinned with a high water content makes for an extra juicy apple packed full of flavor.
Buckeye Gala
Mid September
The classic gala, very sweet apple with good flavor. Softer texture makes ideal for kids and older folks. Great for snacking and sauce.
Mid September
Mildly sweet with a very crisp and firm texture. Great for snacking and sauce.
Red Delicious **
Mid September
Old time snacking favorite.
Golden Delicious **
Mid September
Classic sweet apple. Great for everything from baking to sauce, but best for snacking.
Empire **
Early September
Semi-tart apple with a thick skin, softens quick making it ideal for sauce.
Crimson Crisp
Mid September
Very firm and attractive dark red apple. Hardy and long keeper with a sweet-tart flavor.
Early October
Favorite new variety with plenty of bold zesty flavor. Sweet-tart but mostly sweet and great for baking and snacking.